St Saviour's is available for conducting weddings, reading of banns, baptisms, and funeral services.
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Couples can be married in the parish church where either of them are resident, or where one has a ‘Qualifying Connection’. All national legal requirements must be met.
If both are UK or Irish citizens, or are EU/EAA citizens with indefinite leave to remain in the UK, they can usually be married after the calling of Banns of Marriage.
These must be called on three separate Sundays in the parish of residence of each of those to be married, and in the parish where the wedding is to take place. The calling of Banns must be completed within the three months before the ceremony, and national statutory fees apply.
Marriage under license may also be possible.
Other couples must seek a Superintendent Registrar Certificate from the Local
Authority Registry Office, and the application must be countersigned by the vicar before submission.
For more information, please contact the vicar.
Anyone wishing to have their child baptised (Christened) is entitled to do so at the parish church where they live. You can check your parish of residence at the ‘A Church Near You’ website.
At St Saviour’s our normal process is that the vicar will visit you to get to know you a bit and discuss the details, and then the family is introduced to the congregation at the 10am service on the first Sunday of the month. The baptism is typically held just after the morning service on the third Sunday of the month, at 11:15am for about 20 minutes. And then a certificate of baptism is presented at the 10am service on the first Sunday of the next month, when the child and family are formally welcomed by the congregation
Funerals can be held in churches, or at licensed cemeteries and crematoriums. St Saviour’s does not have a churchyard for burials, so while funeral services can be held in church, the coffin must then move elsewhere for the final committal for burial or cremation.
Most contacts are made through the family or chosen Funeral Director, but you can also arrange for a church funeral or memorial service directly with the vicar – though the Funeral Director will need to be made aware of the arrangement before booking a date for cremation or burial.
National statutory
fees apply.
For further information, please contact the vicar.
We are a Church of England Parish with a lively and diverse congregation. We aim to serve the spiritual needs of the community whilst facilitating local community activities, organised by the church and by other local organisations.
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Church Walk, Grand Drive,
Raynes Park, London
SW20 9DG
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